Our Fundraising Week for Mental Health Awareness
We've kicked off our fundraising week dedicated to supporting the Mental Health Foundation with a successful cake sale. Continue Reading
Aintree Plastics Wins Two Northern Enterprise Awards
Aintree Plastics are delighted to announce that we have been successful in winning two awards at the end-of-year Northern Enterprise Awards for 2023. Continue Reading
Aintree Plastics increases Real Living Wage rates for all staff
Aintree Plastics is pleased to announce that we have increased the real Living Wage rates for all our staff for 2023/24. Continue Reading
Q&A with Sales Executive, Kevin Lewis
We recently sat down with our new Sales Executive, Kevin Lewis, to find out how his first couple of months at Aintree Plastics has been. Continue Reading
Woodlands Hospice Golf Day
We are delighted to have recently supported a charity golf day for Woodlands Hospice. Continue Reading